Central Arkansas Scale Modelers' Website
--> http://www.casmodels.org/
International Plastic Modelers' Society's Website
--> http://www.ipmsusa.org/
HobbyTown USA's Website
--> http://www.hobbytown.com/Shop
The BlackSwamp Modelers; A sci-fi/fantasy/horror SIG of the IPMS/USA
--> http://members.toast.net/blackswampmodelers/
HobbyTalk; Online Modeling Forum
--> http://www.hobbytalk.com/bbs1/forumdisplay.php?f=4
The Clubhouse; Online Modeling Forum featuring figure kits from the GK industry
--> http://www.theclubhouse1.net/
This is a blog by a very gifted commercial large scale figure modeler. There are lots of "in progress" photos and final photos.
--> annyasworkshop.blogspot.com
This is a great artist of minis with many "how to" articles.
--> fellshadow.com
This is a manufacturer of minis with great how to articles.
--> coolminiornot.com
This is a manufacturer of minis with many how to articles
--> reapermini.com
This is a gaming site with many painting articles.
--> one-ring.co.uk
Great articles on painting miniatures.
--> blog.brushthralls.com
This is a mini painting site. The most beautiful painting I have ever seen!
--> guildofharmony.com
This is an article on how to paint skin tones.
--> mydigitalworkshop.com/Gallery/Traditional/Skin%20Tones.swf
This is a site that sells many large scale figures and has member works in progress and a large gallery of finished work.
--> e2046.com
Check it out!
--> http://conceptships.blogspot.com/
Here's a cool one.
--> http://www.merzo.net/
Monster Hobbies:
--> http://www.freewebs.com/monsterhobbies